Slamwich card game - Gamewright
Flip and stack this clever loaf of cards to build slamwiches and double deckers. Tomato, onion, tomato...SLAP! Get there first and win the pile. But watch out for munchers and thieves who will steal the stack of cards. The first player to collect all the cards wins. For 2-6 players. Game time 20 minutes.
This is an extension on the basic game of Snap so instead of just snapping matching pairs other combinations allow you snap up the pile of cards. All the cards are dealt out evenly to the number of players in the game. With cards facedown in their hand, each player has a turn to place their top card faceup into the centre pile. When two the same appear the first to slap the cards takes the pile. If matching cards appear but have a different topping between them, then that can be slapped as well. 'Muncher' and 'thief' cards add another twist to this game.
REVIEW: My children (aged 6yrs and 8yrs when introduced to the game) really liked this game and it was simple for them to learn. I liked that you can simplify this game for younger ones by playing it with just matching pairs and the wildcards. It is a very portable game so great for holidays or long flights. I did find that if the players were too evenly matched the game could go on for quite a bit longer than 20 minutes.